Why People Go Bald Animation

Whether you're bald as a cue-ball or weird as an odd-ball, you have to admire the zany dreaminess of young Rhys Nicholson's unusual Share a Story winning tale...

A blonde kid lies in bed looking nervous of the lightning outside his window.
Animated boy looks through binocular lenses in After Effects animation.

The illustrations and character designs were, as with so many of the Share a Story animations, created by my old boss and master crayon-wielder Carl Hadley.

I worked on this crinkly paper-style After Effects animation with the inimitable Waldemar Werbel (who inspired the facial hair of at least one of the animated scalp-wizards). For all the time we worked one desk apart from each other, this is one of the few pieces that we made together, so it's got a special niche in my dessicated little freelance heart...

Illustration of a hairless Bruce Willis type character.